Student Name
1. |
Utility wires can be installed as: |
a. aerial |
b. buried |
c. either of the above |
d. neither of the above |
2. |
The telephone/cable building
nearest your home or school is called a : |
a. long distance office |
b. traffic discriminator |
c. local exchange central office |
d. pad-mount roadside cabinet |
3. |
To withstand bad weather, Central
Offices are typically brick buildings with: |
a. two (2) windows only |
b. no windows at all |
c. windows on the bottom floor
only |
d. lots of windows |
4. |
The right for pubic use of land is
called: |
a. streets |
b. highway |
c. right of way |
d. alleyway |
5. |
To install items into the public
right of way, you need: |
a. detailed construction drawings |
b. identify location of other
wires and cables in right of way |
c. a permit for construction from
the local city or county |
d. all of the above |
6. |
Public right if way is usually
desrcribed as the distance from: |
a. nearest flower garden |
b. middle of sidewalk |
c. edge of roadway |
d. centerline of street or
roadway |
7. |
What items may be constructed in
the right of way or easement: |
a. swimming pool only |
b. concrete wall with painted
surface |
c. room addition on main house |
d. none of the above |
8. |
The person responsible for right
of way compliance is: |
a. field engineer |
b. police captain |
c. park ranger |
d. right of way engineer |
9. |
Directional Boring is a method
for: |
a. making someone fall asleep |
b. open trench construction |
c. installing wires on poles |
d. trenchless construction |
10. |
In urban systems, power cables
share conduits with telephone & cable TV: |
a. when no other conduits are
available |
b. only on odd-numbered streets |
c. never |
d. if approved by the city/county |