Student Name

1. |
The process for merging low speed
traffic into a high speed roadway is: |
a. road rage |
b. packetization |
c. optical splitter |
d. interleaving |
2. |
Quantizing is the process for: |
a. counting money |
b. measuring light particles |
c. digitizing the human voice |
d. generating noise |
3. |
a. encodes only |
b. decodes only |
c. encodes and decodes |
d. none of the above |
4. |
What language is the easiest to
quantize? |
a. english |
b. spanish |
c. latin |
d. all quantize the same |
5. |
Multiplexing allows: |
a. more people to lift weights
simultaneously |
b. more people to share the same
transmission medium |
c. more homes per block |
d. fewer calls per fiber |
6. |
Time Division Multiplexing: |
a. is the newest form of
communications |
b. is used in packet networks |
c. uses a fixed payload |
d. is delay-sensitive |
7. |
Optical Carrier Level OC192
supports how many phone calls? |
a. 672 |
b. 8064 |
c. 32256 |
d. 129,024 |
8. |
Packet networks describe capacity
as: |
a. calls per channel |
b. total number of calls |
c. bandwidth only |
d. physical size of the equipment |
9. |
Packet networks resemble a: |
a. train |
b. race track with buses and cars |
c. spider web |
d. parking lot |
10. |
Can I steal your PIN? |
a. not from inside the fiber |
b. only when I access the fiber |
c. never |
d. occasionally |